Nevada County Broadband Committee
Nevada County, Arkansas

Home Internet Service Providers FCC Maps Links & Resources

FCC Maps of Internet Availability and Grant Funding for New Construction

FCC Current Availability Map

The FCC has collected data from Internet Service Providers (ISPs). That data is the basis for determining the internet service level at each location. Visit
Here are some notes that may be useful in using the map:

FCC Funding Awarded Map

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has collected data from many sources that have provided funding to build internet infrastructure.
The maps shows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that have been awarded funding:


In March and April of 2024, the Nevada County Broadband Committee worked with ARConnect, the Arkansas State Broadband Office, to help with the Challenge Process that determined the accuracy of the map that in turn determinted the locations for which a qualified Internet Service Provider (ISP) would be awarded BEAD grant money to build broadband internet service. We have archive thed Committee's version of this web page during that period here.

Content on this web site is coordinated by Co-Chairpersons:

Ricky Reyenga, Nevada County Treasurer,

Mary Godwin, Director, Nevada County Economic Development Office,

Website by Danny Stewart,